Posts Tagged ‘dream’

Who is Path Walker?

Path Walker is just like you and me my friend. Just an ordinary guy… Having same heart just like you and me… Having mind not so different than every single person on this world…

Was born… time ago…

In the land of … somewhere…

Raised by … the wind …

Named…. Actually carry on all live with a fake name…

His home – just a pair of dusty shoes…

His own happiness – just walk around….

His heart – all around the road of his live…

His dream – just to reach the unknown end of his road…

His ideas – just step after step on that long trip…

His hope – that his on the right side of the road…

His fear – losing the direction of his adventure…

Many of us would ask how does it feel to be Path Walker?

Is it the sweet taste of wild freedom? Is it the desire to be in charge for each of your step?

Is it just the pure feel of chilling under the open night sky?

I am sure he would say that it is not about the freedom, the taste of wilderness …

It is about chasing it.

It is not about the crazy adventure of his life…

It is about living it ….

It is not about each single step and mile that he marks with his shoes…

It is about each scar that was left in his heart on his way ahead…

It could be all…

But the main idea is that the real Path Walker needs one thing in his life… A walk….

Someone up  there gifted you with all you need – life…

Life gave you all you desire for – path…

That path gave you all you wish for – dreams…

And  here you are – on your path, walking step by step, wondering when that thing called ” DREAM” will come true. And you are confused, which is the right direction. And you are scared of all that danger that you might face on your way to happiness.

You should not be ashamed of that so need needed but so missing answer- most of us do not have it too.But the main idea is not waste time of wondering…

Put your dream in front of your eyes – that is the direction. Pack in your mind all of your unique ideas – that is all of the language you need through all of that  life adventure. Start walking… Just step by step ahead…

Do not feel sorry if you step in the mud with your bare feet… Even you should be proud of it. Probably you would be the only one- brave enough to make it with dignity of a wise person.

Do not be scared of the stormy clouds above your head. This is no danger, especially if your dream is a top of a huge mountain , way above the clouds.

Do not feel miserable when your skin soaked in that pouring rain of stupor , loneliness and misunderstanding . It is just the tears of all those selfish people that are too scared to believe in their pure dreams. The tears of all those that are not brave enough to be like you.

You are completely deaf for that wind which brings to your ears the sound of all that  crowd of regret…Wind that tries to roughly spike your mind , every time when you run towards your dream.This is no pain- you are too much into the sound of your heart that beats as a tons of steal, like  a steam engine with one goal – your dream. And the weight of that massive train is about to smash every little thing that lays on your rails ….You are about to smash every little  bug of hypocrisy, every little coin of greed, every wall of social regret..

And when you are that battlefield – do not fear that you are all alone against all. Do not feel weak , because your bare hands that should face the billions of deadly blades. Do not go out there with the thought that you are about to lose your live. Go out there with that thought that you are about to prove there is a reason to keep living – the reason your dream  should come true. Go out there and spill your last drop of love for that dream. Go out there and waste your last breath of hope for that idea.Go out there with a smile of already gained victory. Because the fact you reached it over here makes you already a winner.

Stand up in front of all that could kill you with no fear. There is no way you could lose a battle that you already won . Just the fact you have got that big heart which is  brave enough to face all of your fears. Just because you are one of those knights that for most of us  these days are just a myth. Just  because you know what you want and you are ready to spill all you got  for that little taste of happiness …. All that  makes you immortal, makes your  existence reasonable and in the end there is nothing else than sweet taste of satisfaction of your right-spent life.

Tasting that glory moment  straight from the tip of your lips… You are there… Your bare feet are buried into that fresh grass of joy, that tickles you and brings smile on your face. You could see the success in the clean sky above the storm. You could hear the raw sound of that solo guitar of your well done walk.

At that point you realize that everyone could be on the top of the world , but only you could be on the top of that dream. Oxygen of fresh freedom fills up your tired lungs.Sun of happiness tender kiss your eyes. The wind of loneliness just softly play with the leaves of your memories.

On way home I was thinking…

Thinking and walking…

Staring at all those views that were reflecting in my eyes…

Just rusty street lights are kissing my shadow that moves lonely on the wet pavement…

What is all that around me? Why did I pick up that way? Where does all that lead too? What is that thing that made me do each one of those steps on your road?

And I am asking myself…And I am looking for the reason in that tiny otherwise cold-blooded thing in my chests called heart… And I keep  writing and writing… Like tracing all my thoughts with the hope that someday I will actually will realize the reason…

I guess every truly wished and needed happiness is something that we will always chase and dream for… But it could not be touched… Just like a rose- fresh, full of that red passion … And thorns … Ah those thorns- every time when you dare to touch that beautiful rose they pierce deep into your ruff skin… Sting you with that heat of sweet pain right into your so cold of loneliness heart… Funny how that feeling that hurts so bad, actually brings a honest smile on that face that was so dead time ago…

I guess it is like all of the rest on this world that brings the light of happiness in your  dark shady mind… You put  a dream in front of you- something you dream  for … Something you desire to embrace with your empty hands… Something you would like to taste with your thirsty for love lips… Something you would like to gift with your otherwise useless life…

And you start climbing that  huge hill towards that thing… And you are going and going on, no matter the cold, no matter all that illogical unpredictable storm that makes you blind and ready to suffer  all the disasters on your way to the top of your dream…And all of your fingers  are covered with nothing than your own blood, because all those sharp, dry and dusty rocks of regret that are cutting your skin as a sheet of paper…And you are drowning in your own sweat and the only thing that  keeps you breath is the hope that someday you will step on the top of your dream…

After many sleepless nights… After many lonely months… You are there on the top… You are there in front of that  “view”…But you can’t hug it, you can’t touch it… You can’t kiss it… You can’t  feel it with the tips of your fingers…All you could is all you could see faraway in the horizon that shines in your tired eyes… And that rings that feel in your heart… And that makes you smile… Happy no matter that “view” is just a view that makes you sad eyes to smile… And you feel it so close to you… And it so away from your hands…And it is so close to your soul… And it is so deep in your mind… You can’t stop watching it, thinking about it…I guess all of the biggest happiness in this world are like that… You could only appreciated it with your heart and nothing else…

And you are up there… In front of that “view”… Holding in hands that “rose”… Tasting with your eyes that dream of yours…You lose the sense of  time… You lose the feel of self-survival… And at some point a new question pops up in your so drugged by the beauty mind…Here I am… In front of all I fight for… But does that “view”  need and want me too? Does that dream really want to be my  dream  or? Does that rose really furtively wish to be in my hands???

Thorns…And nothing else… Pain… And wish could be else…

Thorns… Make me wish for all that I could be wanted for…

Thorns… that  makes me wish to be wished by my dream of my existing…

And I am there on that  hard to reach  top… In front of that admirable ” view” of my life… squeezing the rose of my heart…


He does not like to talk… He prefers to write… So even the deaf one  could hear his story…

He does not like to think…He loves to feel and to feel love… So he could fly away from that cold so logical lie called society…

He does not like to listen… He tries to understand… So he could let each single word to soak deep into his soul…

He does not like just to exist… He wants to live…So someday in the end , he could say with smile on his sad face ” I guess that’s life”…

He does not mind to be used… Because his heart is already pretty much worn out…

He does not care if the rest of the world  lies him all the time… He already lied to himself million of times.

He realizes  that his happiness is just a dream… But that does not make him sad…His life is already just an illusion that strangely comes to reality…

He enjoys all those love songs no matter his heart  sounds more like the soft strings of solo guitar into the quiet dark summer night…

He has nothing than a backpack of memories, dreams and ideas…But that is not a problem… He already knows that all in this material greedy world is not forever…

He needs to be loved… But he learned his lesson… Life is about give not to get…

He has no family, no friends, no love half… He accepted that… Life is to be next to someone, not someone to be next to you…

He prefers to have  billions that hate him honestly… But it is okey… He already felt how it is to be loved by hypocritical one…

He is one of those freaks that appreciate even the cold wet pavement… Just because it is so real and honest…

And here he is… In that small dark room… Far away from all that vanity, greed and public comments… Sit in front of his dusty desk… Spreading his thoughts and feelings by the touch of his finger tips. Spreading his tears and smiles all around the keyboard. Excusing himself for those  rows  with the alcohol… Hiding the real reason that  makes his heart beat as a wild animal in a tiny cage…I guess he feels himself cursed to be alone and  misunderstood… I guess he is lucky to see his own way by the stars not by the other people thoughts.

And there are no rules that put his freedom into a cage… Just page after page scoring year after year of his life on this world…Just  row after row marking his existing. Just thought after thought making up his personality. Just a word after word that tracing his breath. Just a letter after letter, pointing each single heartbeat of his already dead heart…

And he believes that he could change someone else life. And he dares to show his heart to the rest of the world. And he hopes that those letters got a point for the people on this planet. And he fights for his thoughts. And he loses all that pleasure. And he wins the meaning of life…

He does not afraid that his heart is smiling at his loneliness … He does not feel the shame that a man could deeply cry by his soul…He does not feel wrong to love the wrong one… He does not feel the pain… He feels just the dream that he could  have some other life…

He closes eyes every night with the hope that the next day he will meet the new story for his book. He wakes up with the feel that  today will be the day of changing the world. He walks around the street with a smile on his otherwise calm face, sharing the joy of breathing now right here. He shares his tears only with his heart… Guess life is already too drown in sadness… He does not mind to trade a tear of his for a smile for someone else… He just loves to change and change the love around the world.

…And every time when he thinks that his idea is done, he just rips off the page of his notebook  and throws it away… Throws it away with the hope that someday, someone will  find it out in the mud of public noise and somehow will appreciate it… Will find out the pure thoughts in that  worn out sheet of paper… And he is not counting the pages… He does not even think how much he got left to the last cover… And he is ripping off pages, throw them away… And he is ripping off pieces of his heart and share them with the rest of the world…

For all those that will pick up the pieces of my notebook

Today, was staring at the clouds chasing each others… At that moment the string of my heart just told me ” Do you see that? The grey ones are pushing the white ones far away?”… At that point I start thinking what is going on in my  life… And what should go on???

I tried to point the right way by my thoughts to rest around me but I could not get a thoughtful way for me.

I tried to help but I could not get help for myself….

I tried to love but I could not get love for myself….

I tried to live for the others but could not get life for myself …

I cut flesh of my flesh to feed  all of the starving ones.

I spill words of my words to let the speech flow into the ears of the deaf ones.

I spray thoughts of my thoughts to  make the  senseless get an a reason.

I waste feelings of my feelings to make the dead hearts beat with emotion.

Let me share  piece of my mind and let you know how grey is the way to the rainbow of the happiness.

Let me give you piece of my heart and let you feel how sad is to love without to be loved.

Let me  let you taste the texture of my blood, like a lion caged his innocent prey, hot and sour but so addicting.

Let me put my wings of dreams on your back so you could realize how tiring is to fly around that lonely world.

I guess the destiny tunes are more that our voice could sing in our daily path…

I guess that spot is staffed with empty eyes, stuck minds, confused hearts and little bit of hope…

I guess that place is overcrowded with billions of feelings, tons of dreams, miles of dreams, ocean of tears and sky of sparking smiles….

Have you ever think about our souls? Have you ever think about our minds?Have you ever think about us?

Ah soul… Just a bird  staying  on the dead tree branch… Staring at the warm clothed in red horizon.After years gathering courage, spreads wings and fly towards that view with huge hope of happiness and love… And after  a few miles of lonely flight, sadly turns back head to that  dead branch.But it’s too far away, so just lands on another one- keeping the memory of the old one and its eyes on the unreachable horizon.

Ah mind… Just lonely wolf, waiting for the full moon to tickle with shine  the madness in its eyes.So it could howl until all that pain in its heart could break the darkness of the cold night.And if it is not enough… Has no choice beside to wait for the next one…

Ah people… We are just puppets … No matter how much we want love, happiness, humanity we just can not reach these, because our moves are pulled by the strings of society rules- greed, success, prosperity, money.

Before I put the dot in my sentence of that insane thinking… Before I close my mind for all those not logical for all of you thoughts… Before I shut the door of my heart for all those needs… Let me ask you this my friend… Let me ask you – what are you going to do when all those people that are sacrificing  their flesh, thoughts and feelings for you are gone?… Just because they want a smile on their faces too…

Who will swallow your sour tears? Who will brush away the dark clouds of your sad sky? Who will be the wind in your soul wings? Who will howl next to you in the cold night?

I guess if you know… you reach the perfect spot under that  storm…

I guess if you do not know… you are pretty much done with your existence as a real person and you left only with your human cover,  left out there  as a trash…


Piece of her

Posted: February 2, 2013 in Uncategorized
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I don’t know how’s all start… I don’t know how it happened exactly… I don’t know how it will end…

Was it just hot piece of  body…Or the way she move like a rainbow in that grey world?????. Was it just the dreams in her eyes… Or the way how the sunlight reflects in her face????Was it her sweet lips….  Or just the happiness in her smile …Was it her huge as a canyon heart…Or just a unpredicted tremble of my soul?????

I still can not answer to those questions… I still can not stop thinking about them… I still can not  forget about them…I’m still waiting  for them to warm up my wondering eyes, like a sunrise in a cold winter morning… I’m still waiting  for them to light up my hope for love, just like a camp fire a cold  night in the forest of loneliness … I’m still looking for them , like a lost traveller trying to catch a star on his nowhere path… 

And  I’m just seeking for a little hint… And I’m just  sniffing for a tiny hint… Funny…It is not predictable … And at the same time in front of my eyes all the time… 

That’s what she is- a sunlight sneaking behind the  dark stormy clouds in my life…That’s what she is- a painkiller for my already dead heart… That’s what she is- just one of many and same time the only…That’s what she is- a dream that is haunting my mind  every night…. tiny but the only  sunlight string tickles my nose in the very same old repeating everyday morning…

I don’t know how’s all start… I don’t know how it happened exactly…But I wish it will never end…

Letter to my heart

Posted: January 28, 2013 in Uncategorized
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Tonight I am staying in my box… Tonight I am existing in my body…Tonight I am thinking with my brain…

I never lie to you… All the time I just lied to myself… I never put you in a box… I was just building walls around my body… I never think about you… I was thinking about me…I never listen to your beat… I just listened to the  world around me…

And I am thinking too much… But  I always don’t have answers for your questions… 

And I was living too much… But I have not seen you…

And I was smiling too much… But I could not make you happy…

And I was running like a little kid through the valley of life… But I never reached your rainbow…

Suddenly I realize that I built tiny box that close just my body… without a space for you…

Suddenly I notice that I create so much thoughts..without idea for you…

Suddenly I guess I invent so much solutions for  so silly things… without figure you out…

Suddenly my feet  just  kissed the edge of that lonely cliff… and I realize that I can’t fly without you…

Tried to go back, but my back just hit the dusty thick wall of my thoughts.Tried to embrace  the destiny of your missing wings but the fear of jumping alone made that impossible. Tried to get you back… Then I realize that I love you… Then I realize you were next to me all that time – just waiting for some love…

Ruin all of the walls around you… Throw away all of the thoughts against you… Deaf for the world around- all I want is your beat counting each wonderful moment of my existence here in my tiny spot on this planet…

I should love..because I want you to be loved…I should love…because I need you…I should love… because I want your love…

Tonight I am staying in my dreams…Tonight I am existing in my emotions…Tonight I am feel with you-my heart…